Probably not! Purchasing flight tickets and booking accommodation is equivalent to a commitment to traveling on the dates you booked for. If your visa takes longer than expected to get processed, what do you do with the confirmed flight tickets and hotel booking? A full refund of the price is extremely rare, and you end up losing thousands of dollars for no good. Instead of going through all this hassle, how about opting for a flight reservation for visa and a hotel reservation for visa application that not only offers you more convenience and flexibility, but also ensure that your purpose is served.

Visa rejection rates can be high for certain countries. Hence, most embassies accept a flight itinerary or reservation document as proof oftravel on the specified dates. However, do keep in mind that if you are reserving a flight itinerary for your visa application and not actually buying a ticket, it makes good sense to disclose that to the embassy upfront. The flight reservation document helps the embassy to validate what you have mentioned in your application form. So, in such cases, honesty is always the best policy. You don’t want to get rejected for forging documents or providing false information.


If your trip includes more than one Schengen country, it is the consulate, diplomatic office or the embassy of the first country of your visit where you are required to apply. Once you’ve collected all the necessary documents for your tourist Schengen visa, you can enclose them in an envelope with your address and contact phone number on the top.

We recommend submitting the visa application and the additional documents when you appear for the interview at the consulate or embassy. You can even choose to send the documents to the nearest diplomatic office via post.

We certainly understand that the stress associated with applying for the Tourist Schengen visa can be tremendous, as you don’t have a clue of whether you’ll get your visa on time or not, even after providing a copious amount of proofs and documents at the embassy, and making flight and hotel reservations up front. That is why, you can have the expert guidance from our friendly support crew through each step of your visa application, such as getting a Travel Insurance or getting a dummy flight reservation or hotel reservation for visa! All you need to do is, simply contact us and let us know your requirements.


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